digital beautique


Richard DeVore Richard DeVore

Wine at Frenchie

At least I took a picture of the wine since I ignored the surroundings, the interior, our friends, my wife, the cuisine (sorry Jon, Olaf, Sophie).

I remember they served delicious appetisers with mackerel and carrots involved.

Steak for me, then later,  while walking to the Metro, somehow upsetting a prostitute. Something about not liking her picture taken -  adamant in fact, even though I was photographing the ancient wall she was leaning on. There's so much to learn in a foreign country. Glad Sophie and the boys kept me safe.

Hope our friends return to Paris; it's always a good time. 


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Richard DeVore Richard DeVore


Does more 4 me - Lousy Americana joke for an interesting looking city we passed on the way to Amsterdam, I think. Here's a pic, thanks to the person that actually stopped to photograph it.

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Food Richard DeVore Food Richard DeVore

Rice & Beans

Delicious! Wow, I ate a Chorizo Burrito du Jour - deconstructed per my request as I am not eating corn, or flour based foods right now - Thanks guys.

So I ate all the veggies , chorizo, guacamole, salsa, and loved it. Sophie enjoyed the chicken burrito, and we also ordered the guacamole w/chips appetizer - mmmmmm.

Also valuable mention: home made salsa, not too hot, but spicy. Nice.

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Richard DeVore Richard DeVore

snow chevaux

Sophie loves these little French cars called deux chevaux (yep, literally 2 horses). they stay on the road for so long because they are so easy to fix.

Drivers must stop them like Fred Flintstone.

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Richard DeVore Richard DeVore

Sophie cred du rue

This is a pic of Sophie working on her Parisian street cred drinking outside in the cold and rain. Of course there's much work to be done as it isn't coffee or wine, and the store ain't very french.

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Richard DeVore Richard DeVore

La Grille



We ate a lovely dinner at La Grille in Paris on Saturday where we enjoyed everything and highly recommend to everyone. Not too expensive, easy to relax, and great food.

Red wine: 2006 Le haut médoc de Giscours, haut médoc
(Sophie approved )

Entree: Leek vinaigrette
Clean, fresh, delicious

Turbot for 2 - a must
Chocolate dessert with raspberry coulis - magnifique, think a smooth chocolate between fudge and well, i dunno. No sugary grit. Slim but all chocolate, not sweet so not to ruin the framboise.


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Richard DeVore Richard DeVore


Exciting watching Tunisians out in support of their country at Place de la République. Also scored some great kebabs.

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Richard DeVore Richard DeVore

New rule, no scanners

Poor Helene traveled to the Charles De Gaulle airport with my Fujitsu scanner on her trip to LA, and security had her leave it with her airline - no flying with scanners...

New rule as I brought it here in September, then we bought an all in one printer - hey, she could carry wine instead if we knew!

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Richard DeVore Richard DeVore

Robin Hood a la France

Robin Hood becomes Robin des bois which Google then translates as Robin of wood. Yes, you heard me chuckle. Does anyone else envision a new Robin de Brooklyn, wearing tights, with a long dark coat and automatic weapons? maybe he already left Batman for this.

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Richard DeVore Richard DeVore

Airport to France

Finally, a rough day with little sleep and lots of bribes. All good, everyone is happy in green. Tomorrow the final final final closing should happen and our lovely old place will be Jenny's lovely new place. Flying out will make me wonder when I'll see my beloved NYC again. Glad to see the guys I work with once more, good group of geeks ;) More to come as this Language slacker heads to Paris and hopes he learns more where Oscar wild is buried. But of course, I hope to learn the way to Arsenal, but guess I should catch a local match 1st.
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Richard DeVore Richard DeVore

scanning pictures

At home, scanning pictures, of family times, with Loki on top, lemon yellow pee, leg raised in a V

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Richard DeVore Richard DeVore

Easy smell

Leaving beautiful Greece, and smelling France while only just sitting on the runway.

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Richard DeVore Richard DeVore

Anniversary Lush

Wonderful dinner at south African restaurant in Ft. Greene called Madiba. Smashing drinks, too.

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Richard DeVore Richard DeVore


testing out the send by email feature this post has, and looking on the Mac for an image has led me to Loki.Not many images of anything on the Mac, so very happy to see one of my boy.

this picture is after one of his surgeries, probably the 1st one where he lost a toe to cancer.Always a ham for the camera, it also looks like he was being harrased by Sophie in the background.

Good sport, long missed, kisses.

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