digital beautique
xmas thief?
French Santa is heavy, can't climb, and that tiny sack... Gold Santa? Really, is there a label on it, too?
Paris - snow?
I can’t remember when it snowed last in Paris but I’m sure I have an earlier post from a bygone era.
This week, when it floods it snows!
New experience: this dad and son were throwing snowballs under the nose of Édith Piaf.
The kid got whacked by dad a little too hard. Gloves went flying and the poor garçon was crying, until dad hugged him and apologized.
Jabba the snowman
Octave speaks English , with an accent
Paris d'Accord
Does Donald Trump now works for Pittsburg, and not America? It seems that helping the world is beyond his pay grade.
As we all know, Paris wouldn't want him. It's a beautiful city, non?
in the house of Sade
another visit to the house of Sade, and a little odd bringing my mother-in-law with us.
Funny, spell check chose the word "safe" instead of "Sade". And "bringing" became "grinding"
sorry, no pics allowed, hee hee
David Altmejd expo
interesting expos at the Musée d'art modern in Paris. this pic is from the David Altmejd.
Bastille Day fireworks or le feu d’artifice du 14 juillet
a big, big thanks to our friends for having a lovely soirée!
fantastic fireworks display in Paris for Bastille Day with extra umph this year in remembrance of the 100 years after the start of WWI.
and i don't think they've shot fireworks from the Eiffel Tower since 2000.
Link to the official (?) video HERE
view from Centre Pompidou
Paris pollution: normally it's just grey from clouds, but lately it's been special...
the World Cup trophy visits Paris
bringing a little Brazil to Paris. the line was too long to actually see the trophy, but watched the festivities outside.
Walking 'round the Galleira
On the way to Alaïa expo
an early Tour de France?
Paris opens the Champs-Elysees to a ride on the Velib. i would show myself, but don't want Cav to worry.
loved the blue light descending on Paris
wish the picture could have been as magnificent, but had fun with it instead.
Paris Bleuz