digital beautique


Europe, Personal Richard DeVore Europe, Personal Richard DeVore

Paris - snow?

I can’t remember when it snowed last in Paris but I’m sure I have an earlier post from a bygone era.

This week, when it floods it snows! 


New experience: this dad and son were throwing snowballs under the nose of Édith Piaf.

The kid got whacked by dad a little too hard. Gloves went flying and the poor garçon  was crying, until dad hugged him and apologized.


Jabba the snowman 


Octave speaks English , with an accent

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Apple, Tech, Biz Richard DeVore Apple, Tech, Biz Richard DeVore

Mac Security Update

Apple released a very important security update for the Mac which is recommended for everyone running High Sierra, the latest macOS.

Your Mac will probably tell you automatically to run the update, but if not or you prefer to do it manually, now, then goto the App store > Updates


The Verge

Simple Note:
Bad people can do bad things if they have access to your Mac running High Sierra.

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Health, Personal Richard DeVore Health, Personal Richard DeVore

America wants more care not less - guess who doesn't listen?

.....excerpt below from NPR ... 

In fact, while many Americans want changes to the ACA, also known as Obamacare, they want it to be more far-reaching. A 46 percent plurality say they want to see the ACA do more, while just 7 percent want it to do less. Keeping the ACA and having it do less is essentially what GOP congressional plans are doing.





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USA, Personal Richard DeVore USA, Personal Richard DeVore

Witch Hunt!

With that hair, tan and tie, I'm sure he'll never be mistaken for a witch.

With that hair, tan and tie, I'm sure he'll never be mistaken for a witch.

wicked is another thing, and thankfully for all he hasn't been misunderstood during a conversation at an S&M party ;)

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Tech Richard DeVore Tech Richard DeVore

Flash Out of Date

Ha, no joke. 

No joke...


I tend to use Google's Chrome when I run Flash instead of Safari. But when will this ever go away? Hard to believe I went to a website that used Flash on the Home page.


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Biz Richard DeVore Biz Richard DeVore

my Silverlight is out of date

thanks, but I thought everyone's silverlight was out of date, Amazon...geesh.

...and I found out that geesh was an interesting word, ask Urban Dictionary - I meant something like 'golly miss molly'

at least it matches the movie I was looking for on Amazon because Apple didn't have it.

love life, love words!



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Europe, Personal Richard DeVore Europe, Personal Richard DeVore

Paris d'Accord

Does Donald Trump now works for Pittsburg, and not America?  It seems that helping the world is beyond his pay grade. 

As we all know, Paris wouldn't want him. It's a beautiful city, non?

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Personal, Health, USA Richard DeVore Personal, Health, USA Richard DeVore

Special New Yorker

Once again today, I am reminded of all the special people that I lived with and never knew.  

Thank you Raymond Pfeifer, thank you to all the people who responded to the tragedy on 9/11 and shame to all the politicians that could even consider cutting funding for those that helped.

health, families, communities and caring 

NyTimes link here, please read it -

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family Richard DeVore family Richard DeVore


 Tonight you both rest tranquil together, because you could not rest without each other.

Bonne nuit, good night lovers again. We'll miss you.

Jacques and Michele Poletti, November 2016.

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Personal Richard DeVore Personal Richard DeVore

Linked way off...

Thanks Linked way off....

 This is disrupting my day. Why the F did I receive this? And who the F would believe the title?

Nice button down motif... I am only thankful the Repubs have the little girl sniffing his armpit, while I think he stares off at the clock telling him how long before he eats dinner with another wealthy donor.

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